22 Absolute Truths Of Being An Optimist

1. Being an optimist isn’t always easy.


2. You can have high expectations for life working out in your favor.

New Line Cinema


And sometimes, it doesn’t.

3. Which just means you’re extra enthusiastic about things.


4. So it’s especially offensive when people take ~that tone~ with you.

NBC Universal / Via pastemagazine.com

5. And when you suggest something positive, they look at you like you’re an actual insane person.

Fox / American Idol / Via buzzfeedceleb.tumblr.com

6. Some folks may mistake optimism for lack of intelligence.


7. And some people think that looking on the bright side means you’ve never experienced any hardship in your life.


8. Being optimistic about the weather doesn’t always work out so well.

9. Unfortunately, being an optimist can sometimes leave you especially vulnerable to jerks who like to see you frown..


10. They take pleasure in contradicting your positivity.

Paramount Pictures / Via luisrider96.tumblr.com

11. You’re the person people depend on to give support and encouragement…


12. …which is hard, especially when you’re not having the best day.

13. Your friends can mistake your optimistic pep talk for a condescending lecture.

Universal Pictures / Via thehomeostaticmindset.wordpress.com

14. And when bad things do happen, it can be hard to keep looking on the bright side.


15. But there is good news! Thinking positive can make you feel good.

Bravo / Via gif-weenus.com

And studies show that optimism can have a positive effect on stress and improve your health overall.

16. And there is an actual study that says optimists are better at saving that sweet, sweet ca$h.

17. Even when it’s hard, really hard, your positivity can help other people do their best.

Warner Bros. / Via youtube.com

18. Those motivational posters are true: a good attitude is contagious.

A Harvard study said so!

19. So don’t let people make you feel bad for looking on the bright side.

MTV / Via mtv.com

20. And rock your optimism like a weapon.

20th Century Fox


21. Salute your haters with the knowledge that being an optimist is an amazing thing to be.

22. And take that optimism to the grave.

Read more: http://buzzfeed.com/juliafurlan/glass-full-of-rainbows

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