American Idol Top 7 Results: Eliminates fan fave & uses the save! Desperate for ratings? Hmmm…

There was no way America would have voted off a contender; a shoo-in for the finale! Idol wanted to pull a Casey Abrams this week in an attempt to boost its ratings!!! The judges even used its one and only save of the season for the finalist.

Last season, early fan favorite Casey Abrams was eliminated too early in the competition finishing at 11th place when he could have easily breezed his way in to the Top 3. Casey was saved by the judges and went on to compete 5 more weeks finishing at 6th place. Too bad for Pia Toscano, another fan favorite, the save was already used on Casey and she was eliminated two weeks later finishing at 9th place.

So America apparently booted Jessica Sanchez!! Say that again?! Yup, Jessica Sanchez. She has never been in the bottom three before and tonight she was and got voted off. Whoa!! Of course the judges had to use the save to add to this drama, the same way they saved Casey Abrams!

We didn’t know Hollie Cavanagh had enough fans! She should be going home next week…

We are not buying into this crap. Why do we still watch this show?? Whhhhyyyy?!!!


Phil Phillips
Hollie Cavanagh
Colton Dixon
Skylar Laine

Bottom 3

Jessica Sanchez
Elise Testone
Joshua Ledet

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