The American Idol Season 9 finalists stopped by Extra TV to promote their upcoming Summer concert. ‘Extra’ is a short daily entertainment and gossip TV show hosted by Mario Lopez. The idols were featured through out the half hour show in between celebrity gossips and news.
Doing our own ‘editing’ to combine just the spots the idols were on- we are amazed that the exposure only totaled less than three minutes! The commercial breaks were longer! What’s worse was, they even edited the parts where it was Siobhan, Andrew, Aaron and Tim’s turn to spill one thing people didn’t know about them. Only Didi, Casey, Michael and Katie’s responses made it to the final cut. Andrew and Aaron at least got to speak in other segments with Andrew and Katie having the most exposure through it all.
In the end, Siobhan and Tim didn’t have one single speaking line in the entire show!! We dislike Tim Urban but that was totally not cool to have him and Siobhan as guests and edited their parts! That’s TV for you!
Bet you didn’t know about Didi…
“I graduated from High School early and became a flight attendant for a little bit…”
[Wow, this we didn’t know! 🙂 ]
Bet you didn’t know about Casey…
“I bungee jumped for my thirteenth birthday…”
[ But we already knew that Casey! You spilled it on your Us Weekly interview… ]
Bet you didn’t know about Katie…
“That when Mario was on “Saved by the Bell” I had a crush on him…”
[ aaawww, Katie…! ]
Didi Tweeted this photo with the caption: “Just leaving Extra- airs tonight @ 7pm…met Mario Lopez and John Corbett! Yeee! It just keeps getting better! 🙂 “