Ryan Seacrest boasts that 33 million votes were cast over 2 nights… Ok.
So American gets to pick their Top 5 girls and Top 5 guys and the judges will pick 3 out of the contestants who weren’t chosen by America to give them their “second chance” to impress.
The standouts we picked for the girls all made it to top 10! So did our Top 3 boys standouts!!
Here are the results:
Top 10:
- Phillip Phillips
- Jessica Sanchez
- Hollie Cavanagh
- Joshua Ledet
- Heejun Han
- Shannon Magrane
- Skyler Laine
- Elise Testone
- Colton Dixon
- Jermaine Jones
- Randy’s pick: Erika Van Pelt
- Jennifer’s pick: Jeremy Rosado
- Steven’s pick: Deandre Brackensick
Six contestants sing for a wildcard spot:
- Deandre Brackensick – “Georgia on My Mind”
- Erika Van Pelt – “Edge of Glory”
- Reed Grimm – “Use Me”
- Brielle Von Hugel – “Someone Like You” by Adele
- Jeremy Rosado – “I Know You Won’t” by Carrie Underwood
- Jen Hirsh – “Oh Darling” by the Beatles
Interesting twist to eliminate Jen Hirsh and Reed Grimm who were both highlighted throughout the audition process. They were early favorites. However, in a typical Idol fashion- they build the contestants up and then throw them in front of the bus when they’re not looking!!
Did not get picked by America:
- Jeremy Rosado
- Chase Likens
- Brielle Von Huegel
- Adam Brock
- Baylie Brown
- Chelsea Sorrell
- Aaron Marcellus
- Creighton Fraker
- Reed Grimm
- Hallie Day
- Haley Johnsen
- Erika Van Pelt
- Jen Hirsh
- Deandre Brackensick
- Eben Franckewitz