Beautiful Concert photos of Didi Benami and the American Idols – Live in CA: Mountainview (8/14) and Sacramento (8/18)

High quality photography by Sandro Canseco  on Flickr. | Published with permission.

Check out Sandro Canseco’s Flickr page for more concert photos.

Please respect copyright on all photos. Do not republish without expressed consent from the Photographer.

From the Mountainview show:

Error fetching Flickr photos: A feed could not be found at,mountainview&per_page=20. A feed with an invalid mime type may fall victim to this error, or SimplePie was unable to auto-discover it.. Use force_feed() if you are certain this URL is a real feed.

From the Sacramento show:

Error fetching Flickr photos: A feed could not be found at,sacramento&per_page=20. A feed with an invalid mime type may fall victim to this error, or SimplePie was unable to auto-discover it.. Use force_feed() if you are certain this URL is a real feed.

More photos by Sandro Canseco may be found on Flickr.

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