Casey Abrams
Hometown: Wilmette, IL Currently Resides: Idyllwild, CA Age: 20 |
Abrams was born in Austin, TX. He has been playing musical instruments for as long as he can remember, including the electric bass, keyboards, guitar, clarinet, guitar and accordion.
Keep up with Casey at: (@CAbramsAI10)
Naima Adedapo
Hometown: Milwaukee, WI Currently Resides: Milwaukee, WI Age: 26 |
Adedapo graduated with honors with a BFA in Dance from the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. She has been studying and teaching African dance and hip hop for the last 14 years. She also performs in a Reggae band.
Keep up with Naima at: (@NAdedapoAI10)
Lauren Alaina
Hometown: Rossville, GA Currently Resides: Rossville, GA Age: 16 |
Alaina is a sophomore at Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe High School in her home state of Georgia. She began singing when she was very young and also enjoys cheerleading.
Keep up with Lauren at: (@LAlainaAI10)
James Durbin
Hometown: Santa Cruz, CA Currently Resides: Santa Cruz, CA Age: 22 |
Durbin lives with his fiancée, Heidi, and their 22-month-old son, Hunter. Durbin was inspired to start singing by his older sister. He plays guitar and piano, and also enjoys drawing.
Keep up with James at: (@JDurbinAI10)
Ashthon Jones
Hometown: Valdosta, GA Currently Resides: Nashville, TN Age: 24 |
Jones was raised singing in the youth choir at church and has continued to perform in various venues in Nashville. She enjoys drawing portraits and writing songs.
Keep up with Ashthon at: (@AJonesAI10)
Stefano Langone
Hometown: Kent, WA Currently Resides: Kent, WA Age: 21 |
Langone graduated from Kentwood High School. He has been singing and playing piano for most of his life. He also enjoys sports and songwriting.
Keep up with Stefano at: (@SLangoneAI10)
Jacob Lusk
Hometown: Compton, CA Currently Resides: Compton, CA Age: 23 |
Lusk serves as a minister of music at his church, and he also works as a spa concierge. He began singing when he was 4 years old. He also enjoys acting and playing the piano.
Keep up with Jacob at: (@JLuskAI10)
Scotty McCreery
Hometown: Garner, NC Currently Resides: Garner, NC Age: 17 |
McCreery is a junior at Garner Magnet High School in North Carolina. He began playing guitar in the fifth grade. He loves playing baseball, and is the pitcher on his high school team. He credits his deep voice to impersonating Elvis Presley as a child.
Keep up with Scotty at: (@SMcCreeryAI10)
Paul McDonald
Hometown: Huntsville, AL Currently Resides: Nashville, TN Age: 26 |
McDonald was born in Auburn, AL, and attended Auburn University for biomedical sciences. He has been singing since he was in the sixth grade. He also plays guitar, piano and mandolin.
Keep up with Paul at: (@PMcDonaldAI10)
Thia Megia
Hometown: Hayward, CA Currently Resides: Mountain House, CA Age: 16 |
Megia is a sophomore in high school. She plays the guitar and the piano, and has a Chihuahua named Lucky who likes to sing along with her.
Keep up with Thia at: (@TMegiaAI10)
Haley Reinhart
Hometown: Wheeling, IL Currently Resides: Wheeling, IL Age: 20 |
Reinhart is in her sophomore year at Harper College in Chicago. She began performing when she was 8 years old. She enjoys writing music and poetry and doing improv.
Keep up with Haley at: (@HReinhartAI10)
Karen Rodriguez
Hometown: New York, NY Currently Resides: New York, NY Age: 21 |
Rodriguez is a student at the Berklee College of Music. She can speak fluent Spanish, and enjoys acting and songwriting.
Keep up with Karen at: (@KRodriguezAI10)
Pia Toscano
Hometown: Howard Beach, NY Currently Resides: Howard Beach, NY Age: 22 |
Toscano began her vocal training at age 12. She is a graduate of the LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts. She can sing in Italian, and is the lead singer in a cover band. She also works as a freelance makeup artist.
Keep up with Pia at: (@PToscanoAI10)

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