There is some excitement to it, after all we’ve followed the show (on and off!) for about four months. The conclusion is at hand; finally, the American Idol Finale – live from the Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles on Tuesday, May 25 with results show the next night! We can almost feel a Lee DeWyze win unless the producers and the judges change their mind and play Crystal Bowersox to win it all…
At this point, either of them can win and it won’t matter. The ‘non-winners’ almost always wins in the end anyway! We’re most looking forward to seeing Didi Benami and Lacey Brown in the group number. Are we going to see the Top 24 or the Top 12 only? We’re not sure.
This section updates. Please check back again for more photos/videos as soon as we get them! We’re still waiting for some Didi Benami pics!! Find new photos here!
Crystal and Lee were in the Ellen DeGEenres show today and played the “No or Go game.” It is hilarious! Lee had a mental block and couldn’t answer: “Niagara Falls borders Canada and what country?” at the top of his head. Duh. “United States!” Crystal was laughing out load asking: “are you serious? C’mmon Lee! Really?!” It took him a while to answer that one- a good 15-seconds! But Crystal couldn’t answer a “Survivor” reality TV question, we can’t either. We don’t watch that show!
Carrie Underwood, will return to American Idol for the season finale on Wednesday. She’s set to perform “Undo It… | Paula Abdul is confirmed to attend the results show as well.
America’s anthem for major baseball league: “Take Me Out to The Ballgame” by Lee and Crystal
via Rebecca Wilde on Q104 Cleveland.
Sightings so far: Kris Allen, Will Young (FIRST IDOL ever and the voice behind this season’s farewell/tribute song), Casey James, Katie Stevens, Lacey Brown… (Sorry we are not putting a Turban photo here, no Aaron Kelly or Michael Lynche either! Find it on other sites… Thanks!)
Didi with Jayde of the Johnny and Jayde Radio show on XL106.7 FM
via Radiojayde on Tweeter
Radio host of WQAL-FM, Q104 in Cleveland Rebecca Wilde is among the 22 hosts (representing their stations) across the country who were invited to be part of the festivities. They will be broadcasting live and mingling with the Idol stars and give us some backstage pass of what’s going on beginning with this one:
A little glimpse of the Marriot hotel where they are billeted and Rebecca shows us the freebie media pack they got:
– a personalized Idol snack pack
– an American Idol water bottle
– a copy of the Top 10 Compilation CD Album
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