Twitter freaks out as Phillip Phillips wins American Idol

The wonderfully named Phillip Phillips just took the American Idol crown. This, of course, lead to a completely overjoyed freak-out on Twitter as his fans celebrated. Team Phillip for the win!!

Here's to the kids who are so happy that Phillip Phillips won American Idol.

— HERE'S TO THE KIDS (@herest0thekids) May 24, 2012

Phillip Phillips!!! Woohooo!! #IdolFinale

— Candice (@Candice_Jo) May 24, 2012

RIP Justin Bieber. Phillip Phillips just stole your career. #WhoopWhoop! (;

— b l e s s e d❤️ (@AllthingsCENA) May 24, 2012

Phillip Phillips is PERFECT.

— ellory scott (@ello_ray) May 24, 2012

My boyfriend won American Idol tonight! Been supporting this guy the whole way! Love him!! Phillip Phillips <3

— Alley Sin Chiller~ (@AllisonSchiller) May 24, 2012

I'm sooo happy Phillip Phillips won American Idol <3 #heisamazing

— Kelly Moody (@kellymooody) May 24, 2012

phillip phillips just won american idol and i can't stop crying

— haley (@swagnawagna) May 24, 2012

PHILLIP PHILLIPS! AMAZING! SOOOO HAPPY <3 Said he was going to win from his first audition! But everyone is still a winner! AMAZING SEASON!!

— Samantha Tibo 🙂 (@Jlomyidol24) May 24, 2012

Phillip Phillips!!!!! #americanidol #lovehisnewsong

— Megan Piepgras (@mnmegan11) May 24, 2012

Phillip Phillips won!!!! AHHHH!!!! I freaking Love Him!!!

— Elaina (@ElainaBea) May 24, 2012


— Single Girl Problems (@Singlegrlprob) May 24, 2012

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Phillip Phillips’ gum falls onto Colton Dixon’s flip-flop; will Dixon insist on a rematch?

No, there won’t be a rematch. That’s how rumors get started.

However, the part about the gum is true, and Dixon tweeted the photo to prove it. Ew.

The two young men battled on a stage  last spring for the chance to be the newest American Idol. Phillips ended up winning the contest earlier this summer.

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Nicki Minaj announces American Idol performance

We would think American Idol would choose performers who can actually sing, not rap. However, Nicki Minaj sounds pretty excited about her performance on the show!

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On ‘Yo! Show,’ president chooses sides in ‘American Idol’ feud

The crew of the “Morning Mayhem” radio show already settled the question of whether the president considers red or green chiles an ally, so what other outstanding issues are there to cover? Well, there are the rising tensions between judges Mariah Carey and Nicki Minaj which threaten to upset the delicate balance of power on “American Idol.”

First ‘Pimp with a limp” now DJ Michael “Yo” Simmons the “half-black brother with a Korean Mother” that Obama is just oh so presidential.

— Tracy Lee (@RememberComeNov) October 13, 2012

Appearing on Miami’s Y100 FM on Friday with DJ Michael Yo, “the half-black brother with the Korean mother,” the president managed to insert himself into the “American Idol” controversy. “You know what, I think they are going to be able to work it out,” the president said. “I’m all about bringing people together.” Unfortunate, then, that the president was too busy to meet with foreign leaders face-to-face during the U.N. General Assembly due to his busy television schedule.

No time for Netanyahu, but Obama manages to squeeze an interview with Miami’s Y100 Michael YO Show into his busy schedule

— Gary (@GConRap) October 13, 2012

The president also addressed his performance at the debate, saying he “was probably a little too polite.”

President Obama is scheduled to appear on “The Daily Show” next week, so the White House press corps might have to wait a little longer for answers to questions that didn’t come up on “The Yo! Show.”

@jaketapper Not Libya coverup?

— Chris Child (@cdc444) October 13, 2012

@jaketapper this is ridiculous

— DefeatingObama (@DefeatingObama) October 13, 2012

@jaketapper Mr. Tapper perhaps you can promise the President you won’t ask about anything but Honey Boo or Teletubbies and get him again?

— Grim Dabber (@Harlekwin15) October 13, 2012

@jaketapper I feel like I’ve crossed into the twilight zone.

— MsGraceyP (@MsGraceyP) October 13, 2012

Michael Yo – Obama Interview… glad King Putt has the time to comment on things that matter Libya, American idol judges

— Grim Dabber (@Harlekwin15) October 13, 2012

@jaketapper When was the last time the President took questions from White House media?

— Ty Bailey (@Ty_Bailey1970) October 13, 2012

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American Idol finalist Colton Dixon: ‘I’ve been hacked!’

Poor Colton Dixon. The American Idol finalist left his laptop and phone lying around during a performance. A prankster (whose identity is not yet known) logged into Dixon’s Twitter account and posted silly messages as if he were Dixon:

Just finished "moves like jagger" hope you guys liked it. Gotta poop now #showconfessions

— Colton Dixon (@coltondixon) August 14, 2012

I love staring in the mirror before the show and looking at how sexy i am

— Colton Dixon (@coltondixon) August 14, 2012

What do you guys think about getting my hair the same color as hayley from paramore in the decode music video? #hairconfessions

— Colton Dixon (@coltondixon) August 14, 2012

Dixon wasn’t pleased, but most of his fans didn’t seem too bothered:

It's kind of fun to see @coltondixon 's twitter being hacked! hahahaha

— Rafaella. (@rafaaprestes) August 15, 2012

Who was responsible? Twitter users have some theories.

@coltondixon omg whoever's tweeting this is amazing. #mostlikelyheejun

— Emily♡ (@emilyxrose97) August 14, 2012

@coltondixon BAHAHAHAHAHA WE KNOW PHILLIP HACKED YOU #ThatsWhatYouGet omg what a great pun.

— ✵Callie✵ (@DerpyPhillip) August 15, 2012

@coltondixon is this really you asking? Haha or @Phillips or @HHanAI11?

— Brittany Borgard (@britt_bo) August 14, 2012

@coltondixon Dont worry Colton we know when you get hacked 😉 It was @Phillips btw!!! haha

— Rachel (@RaySkittles33) August 15, 2012

Even Dixon’s sister chimed in:

@Phillips Phillip stop hacking Colton's twitter;P hahaha

— Schyler Dixon (@SchylerDixon) August 15, 2012

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