American Idol’s Sunday ‘special’ episode didn’t turn out to be special after all. The show started so late (because of the Football championships overtime!) and there was no one- NO ONE who really stood out. It was probably the worst audition episode ever. Maybe they should have let the crazies back just for this one.
The audition was aboard the aircraft carrier USS Midway and while they bragged about 10,000 people showing up to audition, they only showed 7 of the 53 hopefuls who made it to the next round. Of the 7, we didn’t really think there was any one worthy to move past Hollywood week! Yep, it was that bad. Continue reading →
“Everything we do, we do biiiiggg!!” –Idol hopeful (oh but see, everything’s bigger in Texas!) American Idol Season 11’s two-night premiere continous and Thursday’s episode showed the audition at the second-largest city in Pennsylvania– Pittsburgh at the Heinz Field, home of the Pittsburgh Steelers.
Have the Idol producers, after eleven years, finally listened to their critics? This is the first episode in the history of American Idol where they didn’t show the ridiculous, delusional crazies. Instead, they showed auditioners who were borderline, could possibly improve, come-back-next-year, idol hopefuls. Sure, the judges still turned down people but they got rid of the jokesters and nuisance auditions out of the episode. Was it better? Absolutely!!
Now, we can almost hear it- the very critics who lambast them by showing the crazies are going to be the first ones complaining that the show is now boring!! Well, it’s NOT boring. For once, Idol producers are showing more talents than giving 5-minute of fame to the people who clearly do not have the talent!
Nonetheless, we feel they’re testing the waters here. Since this is only an hour-long audition, they figured it best not to rob us from seeing the talents in the Steel City. So none of the jokes and more of the talents. Still out of the 38 who made it to this stop, they only introduced us to 9 people going to the next round. Perhaps next week, at the San Diego stop– they WILL show us the crazies & less of the talents! Continue reading →
“In Savannah, we don’t sing… we saaaang!!” -(screaming) idol hopeful. “THIS, is American Idol!” a line made distinctly popular by Ryan Seacrest. We will get to hear that from hereon all the way to the finale. It’s the opening season of American Idol, back on its eleventh year and they premiere in the beautiful historic city of Savannah in Giorgia.
Thousands auditioned, Idol picked 42 and only 17 names were revealed in the roster.
Philip Philips blew all the others hands down. Everybody loves him already and his name remembered! As of this writing, his name is trending on Twitter. He won this audition round. However, we didn’t get to see all 42 sing so we’re sure Idol ‘reserved’ some other standouts from this city for later.
Other than a handful of crazies, there’s nothing more disturbing than Steven Tyler’s creepy leers to girls being shown on national TV. Hope the producers can do something about that…
This season we shall make our top lists, hash the potentials and weed away the weak ones. We may be wrong and we may be right in our instincts, there’s no telling what happens in Hollywood/Vegas week and in the semi-finals. We’ve been watching this show since Season 1 and our favorites aren’t always the winners!! But repeat this with us: “this is all TV.” Continue reading →
Over the course of 11 seasons, nearly one million hopefuls from across the nation have auditioned for their shot at stardom. Once again host, Ryan Seacrest, and judges — Randy Jackson, Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler — have traveled across the country in search of the next AMERICAN IDOL.
During auditions, they will narrow down the competitors to a select group of semifinalists who will sing their hearts out each week in front of a studio audience and television viewers. Tune in for the two-night season premiere WED JAN 18 and THU JAN 19 at 8/7c! Continue reading →