Bless her heart: Roseanne Barr publicly begs for American Idol gig

Oh, honey. Aren’t you just precious? It seems that Roseanne Barr is desperately seeking work after ditching (or being booted from) her Green Party presidential plans. What is her latest scheme? A judge on “American Idol,” of course. Poor Roseanne took to Twitter to publicly beg Simon Fuller for the gig, after learning that Steven Tyler and Jennifer Lopez are calling it quits.

simon fuller needs to hire me as a judge on american idol-

— Roseanne Barr (@therealroseanne) July 13, 2012

Her qualifications?

If Howard Stern can be a judge on a talent show then so can I- #calmerthanbritney

— Roseanne Barr (@therealroseanne) July 13, 2012

simon-I want to b a judge on Idol-ppl I have discovered: #georgeclooney #johngoodman #josswhedon #juddapatow #kathygriffith

— Roseanne Barr (@therealroseanne) July 13, 2012

Some Twitter users try to dissuade her. We can only assume out of pity.

@plainjanegame but i love that show& i love america's gt talent 2-i just started watching these things-we just figured out how 2 turn tv on

— Roseanne Barr (@therealroseanne) July 13, 2012

Um. Knowing how television works might be a prerequisite of the job, toots.

Alas, she is already second-guessing her proposal.

@thomas_harman well–ok. i want a new show that judges banksters on their intellect-the loser gets beheaded! #americanidle

— Roseanne Barr (@therealroseanne) July 13, 2012

Banksters! Now that is more like the Roseanne that we know. Whew! All is right with the world again.

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#Empire Is A Ratings Monster For Network Television


Taraji P. Henson and Terrence Howard. Chuck Hodes/Fox

When it comes to ratings, Fox’s Empire is on a trajectory that’s unprecedented in broadcast television’s recent history, which has mostly been marked by — to appropriate a phrase from Hakeem Lyon (Bryshere Y. Gray) — drip drops, if not just plain old slaughter. As of last week, it is the No. 1 show on network television in the 18 to 49 demographic advertisers seek. And once again, the show built on its ratings this week.

The Feb. 25 episode expanded the show’s viewership for the seventh week in a row. In preliminary Nielsen numbers, it drew 13.9 million viewers and a 5.4 rating in the key 18 to 49 demo. When you compare that to the Jan. 7 premiere’s already impressive audience of 9.9 million and 3.8 among those 18 to 49, it’s clear the Fox drama has exploded. Since Nielsen began measuring total viewers as a data point in the early ’90s, no new show has risen weekly like Empire has.

And the drama, led by Taraji P. Henson and Terrence Howard, is among very few shows in the past few years that begs to be watched live: In Live + Same Day 18 to 49 ratings — meaning, people who watch the show live or almost live — Wednesday’s Empire was the most watched network drama since the September 2010 season premiere of Grey’s Anatomy. Its live-tweeting statistics, naturally, have also skyrocketed. According to Fox, Wednesday’s episode generated 714,742 “social comments” during the episode itself. Empire is now the most tweeted broadcast drama of the season, with an average 381,770 (second-place Scandal is averaging 355,012).

Television is in such flux these days. The biggest show among 18- to 49-year-olds isn’t even on a network: AMC’s The Walking Dead sneezes out huge ratings weekly (even opposite the Oscars Sunday night, it drew 13.4 million viewers and a 6.9 in the 18 to 49 demo — which, as you can see, are bigger than Empire‘s numbers). On broadcast television, the show that Empire recently leapfrogged for the No. 1 spot is the CBS comedy The Big Bang Theory, now in its eighth season. As opposed to Empire, which is burning bright out of the gate, Big Bang didn’t become the most watched network show until its seventh season. But beyond those hits — and others, such as CBS’s still-huge-in-total-audience NCIS, and popular demographic hits such as ABC’s Scandal and Modern Family and NBC’s The Voice — the field becomes more complicated and wilted. On the networks, shows that draw a 1.5 18 to 49 rating or higher are considered renewable hits; only a few years ago, a 1.5 was a disaster that resulted in immediate cancellation.

Jussie Smollett and Henson. Fox

There are three more episodes left of Empire — the March 18 finale will be two hours — and it’s the show that has redeemed Fox’s annus horribilis. As a soap opera — and one that isn’t as WTF and OMG as Shonda Rhimes’ Scandal and How to Get Away With Murder, two other recent dramas that have brought people to their televisions and second screens to watch live — Fox’s hope, one imagines, is that Empire will be a step toward rebuilding in its post-American Idol years, and one that can last as long as Lucious Lyon (Howard) draws breath. (Or beyond that, of course. Lucious has ALS on the show, and Howard has an erratic, violent past.)

For television as a whole, Empire is another example of the Scandal effect. Going into this season, having finally learned that black viewers watch television in droves and live, the networks inched toward programming accordingly. And to the surprise of no one who can do math, the strategy has worked: With Viola Davis at its center, How to Get Away With Murder has been a hit for ABC, and so has the network’s family comedy Black-ish. Casts of color have also succeeded more modestly, but still notably, for ABC’s Fresh Off the Boat (about an Asian-American family) and The CW’s Jane the Virgin (for which its star Gina Rodriguez won a Golden Globe). Both shows will be back for sure next season. (ABC’s Cristela, starring Cristela Alonzo, who inspired the show, is not a safe bet for a second season, however.)

Empire, meanwhile, with its Academy Award-nominated lead actors, musical elements, provocatively fluid sexuality, and soapy turns, is cutting across all audiences, with black, Latino, and white viewers all tuning in — even men are watching it. It’s a monster.

Cookie can have the last word.


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Jason Derulo ditches the neck brace, prepared to debut new song on Idol finale

R&B singer Jason Derulo had some delightful news to share with his followers on Twitter this morning:

Free at last, free at last thank God almighty, I'm free at last #donewithneckbrace #undefeated 1 day til idol finale

— Jason Derulo (@jasonderulo) May 21, 2012

It’s been over five months since Derulo broke one of his vertebrae during a rehearsal for his Future History tour, which caused him to cancel all upcoming dates, and be forced to wear a neck brace. In March, he appeared on American Idol, giving fans the chance to help him complete lyrics for an upcoming song, “Undefeated.”

Last night, at the Billboard Awards, DeRulo appeared without the neck brace, giving the media and fans, both in attendance and watching from home, a delightful shock.

Now, Jason DeRulo appears poised to once again take over the charts, and he’ll be giving his first post-injury performance on the American Idol season finale, which will take place tomorrow.

Fans shared their kind words for DeRulo’s recovery, and expressed excitement for the upcoming finale episode:!/newdejavu/status/204603630677012481

@jasonderulo i squealed last nite wen i saw yu on the award show! No neck brace! So hapy 4 yu! Keep up the hard work! #derulersruletheworld

— Kynzi (@Anberlinean) May 21, 2012

@jasonderulo happy for you dude!! You're truly blessed. A great talent & inspiration. Keep grindin and show the world how it's done #Salute

— Amandi Music (@amandimusic) May 21, 2012!/AyvihdRian/status/204590892705775616

Aww I'm so happy. I'm glad your ok jason and hope to see you on tour soon its so good to have you back loveyou @jasonderulo #deruler

— Kimberley♡. (@kimberleyGreenx) May 21, 2012

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‘Isn’t he a Democrat?’ Clay ‘Republaiken’ signs confuse North Carolina voters

On Monday night, “American Idol” star Clay Aiken debated incumbent Renee Ellmers in the race for North Carolina’s second congressional district. The debate gave political rookie Aiken the opportunity to clarify his stand on several issues, but the pre-debate debut of “Republaiken” signs around the district seemed to lead only to confusion.

Is he a Democrat or a Republican? Check out this lawn sign from#NC02 candidate @clayaiken #Republaiken

— Derick Waller WNCN (@derickwallerTV) October 6, 2014

What fresh hell is this?

— Gabriel Malor (@gabrielmalor) October 6, 2014

Isn’t he a Democrat? Lawn signs appear with ‘Republaiken’ slogan @ClayAiken #ncpol #NC02

— Moral Mondays (@MoralMondays) October 6, 2014

@MoralMondays @ClayForNC is a Democrat. A Republaiken = Republican who supports Clay Aiken for #NC02

— Kim Sugino (@dancermom2) October 6, 2014

"Republaiken" lawn signs are Republicans who support Democrat @ClayforNC this election RT .@MoralMondays Isn’t he a Democrat?

— Ning Hush (@Glambush) October 6, 2014


@MABlumenfeld That's terrible. Ban campaigns.

— Adam Cancryn (@adamcancryn) October 7, 2014

@adamcancryn Ban everything man.

— Matt Blumenfeld (@MABlumenfeld) October 7, 2014

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Howie Mandel jealous of Howard Stern?

The NY Post reports that America’s Got Talent judge Howie Mandel is irked by all the attention that Howard Stern is getting:

“Howie is the new Randy Jackson,” one source close to the show said — comparing the roles on “AGT” to the original “American Idol” lineup — whereas Stern is Simon Cowell.

A fan who went to the Austin taping to see Stern wrote online, “The Howard fans were a blessing and a curse for the taping . . . There were so many people carrying signs with Howard’s catchphrases. When Howard came in, I can’t even tell you how long the cheering and chanting went on. ‘Howard! Howard!’ They couldn’t get the crowd to stop.”

She added, “It was like The Beatles when he got out of the car….”

Mandel said through a rep: “I love Howard, and his fans are phenomenal. The only real negative about working with him is that my wife now yells ‘baba booey’ in bed during sex.”

Twitter reaction:

@PageSix #HowieMandel wastes too much time washing his hands n could never get down n dirty like the #KingOfAllMedia. #HowardStern

— Isabela Staycer (@iStaycer) March 22, 2012

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