Steven Tyler is leaving American Idol-He's going to spend more time looking like everyone's aunt.
— Chris Franjola (@ChrisFranjola) July 12, 2012
News that Aerosmith’s Steven Tyler is exiting “American Idol” after two seasons isn’t exactly ruining anyone’s day, but it is providing for some first-class snark on Twitter.
Sad that Steven Tyler is leaving Idol. Especially cause I thought that was Nancy Pelosi.
— billy eichner (@billyeichner) July 13, 2012
Steven Tyler leaves American Idol when a strong gust of wind catches his neck skin and he is carried into the sky.
— Nick (@NickSchug) July 13, 2012
Apparently Steven Tyler was a judge on American Idol and not Angela Lansbury like I first thought.
— Vanessa Ramos (@thatRamosgirl) July 13, 2012
BREAKING: Steven Tyler to be replaced by mannequin covered in 3 week old lunchmeat.
— Josh Hara (@yoyoha) July 13, 2012
As for his promise to “bring rock back” via the “ultimate in auditory takeover?”
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