Was Sean Penn stoned??? #Beatles50
— Nixster (@OriginalNixster) February 10, 2014
As Twitchy reported, Adam Levine’s performance during the #Beatles50 celebration that aired on CBS Sunday night fell flat. Presenter Sean Penn, however, fell … high? Viewers noticed a little something funny about the actor:
Wow, shame Sean Penn is stoned. #Beatles50
— Mark Jeffers (@mjeffers99) February 10, 2014
Sean Penn … drunk or stoned? #Beatles
— Sarah Frederick (@activemom4life) February 10, 2014
Sean Penn soliciting for a 150the tribute to Spicoli. #stoned #ThatWasMySkull #Beatles50
— Chris Kramer (@RACCOONCKWINERY) February 10, 2014
Snicker! Sean Penn was apparently not the only one with a stoned face:
I feel like Sean Penn and Johnny Depp were competing to see who came off more drunk/high at this thing. #Beatles50 #BeatlesTribute
— Cait Walsh (@CaitRWalsh) February 10, 2014
Who's more high, Sean Penn or Johnny Depp? #Beatles50
— Tre (@SittingHere1) February 10, 2014
Who indeed? Let Twitter decide:
Jesus, Depp, you stoned or what?
— Wendy (@wennie_s) February 10, 2014
How stoned is Johnny Depp on the Beatles tribute tonight? #Beatles50 #JohnnyDepp #Stoned #Beatlestribute #Beatles
— Pine Tree BushMan (@JasonBushey) February 10, 2014
I think Johnny Depp is stoned at this #beatles50anniversay tv special.
— Allison Craig (@alllisoncraig) February 10, 2014
so…Johnny Depp was stoned?
— Allison Sheridan (@podfeet) February 10, 2014
Take a gander at some pics:
JOHNNY DEPP OMFG I CANNOT #Beatles pic.twitter.com/QHUwGxEcr7
— winchester (@xrocknroll) February 10, 2014
Oh dear.
In tribute to the Beatles, Johnny Depp was really stoned just now on TV! (allegedly) @scottalancfox
— CFOX (@CFOXvan) February 10, 2014
That “allegedly” is a nice touch.
Johnny Depp may be really stoned right now, or has actually become Jack Sparrow.
— Naked Angry Penguin (@GregGlanville) February 10, 2014
I hope Depp was stoned. If not, that Benny & Joon sequel is gonna be problematic.
— Stephen Rodrick (@stephenrodrick) February 10, 2014
Penn had Depp beat in another area: Harry Connick Jr. tyle orange face.
#bingo that's it!!! RT @VickyBiello: @mariamilito Oompa Loompa? RT why is Sean Penn orange??
— Maria Milito (@mariamilito) February 10, 2014
WTF did Sean Penn's make-up.. Why is his bronzer leaving that big triangle in the middle of his forehead..
— // R A Q Ü E L // (@RAQU3L) February 10, 2014
Sean Penn is hammered and really orange dot tumblr dot com #Beatles50
— victoria ramirez (@victoriaramirez) February 10, 2014
“Hammered and really orange.” Looks like Penn took the wasted honors. Better luck next time, Depp!
Not so sexy: How bad was Adam Levine’s #Beatles50 performance? Laura Ingraham zings
‘Why is Harry Connick Jr. so orange?’ ‘American Idol’ judge responds to the buzz with a pic