Ryan Seacrest Once Hosted A Cheesy Children’s Game Show

1. OK, so you probably know Ryan Seacrest best as the host of American Idol.

Fox Television / Via harmonydreven.blogspot.com

Wait, is American Idol still on?!

2. Or maybe, just maybe, you really only know him from his once a year hosting duties on ABC’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve.

3. But did you know that in 1997, Ryan was the host of Click, a children’s game show based on the internet?

Fun fact: The game show also included the annoying dial-up sound whenever the contestants went “online.”

4. And of course Ryan, being the fashion peacock that he is, hosted the show dressed like a late ’90s boy band cliché.

Oversized polo? Check! Baggy jeans? Check!

5. Yup, he even rocked some serious frosted tips!

Although I don’t even know if those qualify as frosted tips, he looks like he just stuck his hair in a vat of hair bleach.

6. But there is one thing Ryan still has today that he even had back then.

7. Awkward interactions with young people!

Here is looking like a frazzled Muppet while trying to be ~cool~ by yelling, “hip-hop!”

8. Relive Ryan’s late ’90s glory days:

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cV2ckhuWRQ&t=16]Video available at: http://youtube.com/watch?v=1cV2ckhuWRQ&t=16.

Read more: http://buzzfeed.com/briangalindo/ryan-seacrest-once-hosted-a-cheesy-childrens-game-show

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Harry Connick, Jr. could be one tough #AmericanIdol judge

Wow, Harry Connick, Jr. is just starting his first season as a judge on American Idol and he’s already hinting that he could be tougher on the contestants than Simon Cowell ever was.


Connick, Jr. introduces many to the pentatonic scale:


Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/01/15/harry-connick-jr-could-be-one-tough-americanidol-judge/

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22 Absolute Truths Of Being An Optimist

1. Being an optimist isn’t always easy.


2. You can have high expectations for life working out in your favor.

New Line Cinema


And sometimes, it doesn’t.

3. Which just means you’re extra enthusiastic about things.


4. So it’s especially offensive when people take ~that tone~ with you.

NBC Universal / Via pastemagazine.com

5. And when you suggest something positive, they look at you like you’re an actual insane person.

Fox / American Idol / Via buzzfeedceleb.tumblr.com

6. Some folks may mistake optimism for lack of intelligence.


7. And some people think that looking on the bright side means you’ve never experienced any hardship in your life.


8. Being optimistic about the weather doesn’t always work out so well.

9. Unfortunately, being an optimist can sometimes leave you especially vulnerable to jerks who like to see you frown..


10. They take pleasure in contradicting your positivity.

Paramount Pictures / Via luisrider96.tumblr.com

11. You’re the person people depend on to give support and encouragement…


12. …which is hard, especially when you’re not having the best day.

13. Your friends can mistake your optimistic pep talk for a condescending lecture.

Universal Pictures / Via thehomeostaticmindset.wordpress.com

14. And when bad things do happen, it can be hard to keep looking on the bright side.


15. But there is good news! Thinking positive can make you feel good.

Bravo / Via gif-weenus.com

And studies show that optimism can have a positive effect on stress and improve your health overall.

16. And there is an actual study that says optimists are better at saving that sweet, sweet ca$h.

17. Even when it’s hard, really hard, your positivity can help other people do their best.

Warner Bros. / Via youtube.com

18. Those motivational posters are true: a good attitude is contagious.

A Harvard study said so!

19. So don’t let people make you feel bad for looking on the bright side.

MTV / Via mtv.com

20. And rock your optimism like a weapon.

20th Century Fox


21. Salute your haters with the knowledge that being an optimist is an amazing thing to be.

22. And take that optimism to the grave.

Read more: http://buzzfeed.com/juliafurlan/glass-full-of-rainbows

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Going ‘Home’ a winner? AI’s Phillip Phillips blows everyone away during original song performance

We’re just hours away from finding out if our newest American Idol will be Jessica Sanchez or Phillip Phillips! If our timeline is any indication, Phillips seems to have swayed the majority of voters in his direction after the amazing performance of his original song “Home.”

I just cannot get over Phillip Phillips new single!!! Home is going to be a hit for sure… can I buy it like NOW?!!!!! #nextMumford #LOVE

— Kristyn Royster (@KristynAlysse) May 23, 2012

AWWWW! standing ovation for Phillip Phillips new single – "HOME"? grabeee! #IDOLfinale

— krizzy (@krizzy_kalerQUI) May 23, 2012


Just know you're not alone. Cause I'm gonna make this place your home. THE WAY PHILLIP PHILLIPS SAID "HOME" THE WAY HE POUTS HIS LIPS OMG

— captain swan. (@iamsuperjenni) May 23, 2012

Phillip Phillips' Home is right up my alley. Win or lose, he deserves a spot in my iPod.

— Zulaikha As'ari (@ZulaikhaAsari) May 23, 2012

I just bought the shit out of Phillip Phillips' "Home."

— Dave Holmes (@DaveHolmes) May 23, 2012

omg. Phillip Phillips 'Home' will be the next most played song on my iPod.

— ♡♡♡ (@gattoswift) May 23, 2012

Phillip Phillips killed it! I want to buys his single "Home" now. That was awesome!

— dave (@_Dwalk) May 23, 2012

I know Phillip Phillips will be the fifth white guy with a guitar to win 'American Idol'. but I'd buy his album over Jessica's any day #Home

— Crystal Bell (@newyorkbell) May 23, 2012


Heck, Phillips even blew away songwriter Gregory Holden who was honored to hear his song being performed on America’s most popular reality show.



NOT so fast, friends! Despite Phillips’ God-like performance, Jessica Sanchez still has plenty of fans too!

Jessica Sanchez was pure Jessica Sanchez. Phillip Phillips' voice is being enhanced by his back up singers, guitar and marching band

— Justine Ferrer (@justineferrer) May 23, 2012

Dear Philippines, before we all sleep tonight, let's all say a prayer for Jessica Sanchez. Let's pray she wins tomorrow!

— Jiggy Cruz (@jiggycruz) May 23, 2012

Win or lose,Jessica Sanchez has won. Philip is a true artist,he's a class act all the way. But Jessica is the singer here,and she was great.

— Jimmy Bondoc (@jimmybondoc) May 23, 2012

I hope Jessica Sanchez wins. Good Luck @JSanchezAI11 !!! #pinoypride

— Neil Etheridge (@Neil38Etheridge) May 23, 2012

We can't hide the fact that Jessica Sanchez is better than Phillip! He's just "popular" and on the other side, Jessica got the "talent" ❤

— Clara Quiambao (@claraquiambao) May 23, 2012

Hey I actually liked Jessica's third song! Hindi lang sya pang finale. Jessica Sanchez all the way!

— sandra aguinaldo (@sandraguinaldo) May 23, 2012

If Whitney Houston was alive and listenin she'd probably give Jessica Sanchez a standing ovation

— Raym (@raymtweets) May 23, 2012

There are even a few people who just absolutely love them both and think they should get married ASAP!!! (Or at least date!)


— FJ Lim (@limmariaaa) May 23, 2012

I love Jessica Sanchez but Philip Phillips is so cute!!! What if they end up together?? CUTE! #AmericanIdol2012

— Maxene Magalona (@maxenemagalona) May 23, 2012


Shipping Philip Phillips and Jessica Sanchez :") They could be a couple HAHAHA

— Josef Karol Egwaras (@josefegwaras) May 23, 2012

omagaaaaaad american idol phillip phillips & jessica sanchez should date. They look too cute together

— Adilah Adib (@lakemistyomg) May 23, 2012

Where’s Cupid when you need him!?!?


Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/05/23/going-home-a-winner-ais-phillip-phillips-blows-everyone-away-during-original-song-performance/

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‘American Idol’ viewers still wondering: Why is Harry Connick Jr. so orange? Or yellow?

New “American Idol” judge Harry Connick Jr. has won raves for his music theory expertise and fresh injection of energy on the talent show’s panel. But as Twitchy noted a few weeks ago, many admirers are alarmed by his rather unnatural color.

Tonight, inquiring minds still wondered: Why so orange, Harry? Or yellow? Scary!

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